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Center for Children & Youth Justice
An organization that works to improve life for children in foster care and the juvenile justice system.

Child Welfare Website for Community Resources

National Child Traumatic Stress Network  

National Center for Learning Disabilities

Washington DSHS  Parenting Resources
For behaviors management, parenting after trauma, health and safety and more. 

Zero to Three
National Non-profit organization that provides parents, professionals and policymakers the knowledge and the know-how to nurture early development. Excellent age based handouts and behavior management tools for young children.




More websites

Effective Child Therapywebsite to help you learn about mental health disorders and find an evidence based therapist

Guidance for Caregivers on Treatment of Mental Health Disorders in Foster Children

2015 DHHS Resources for Foster Parents and Caregivers including support group information

Centers for Disease Control Essentials for Parenting Toddlers and Preschoolers